The resources in this section are intended to serve as guidance to chairs, faculty, business officers, and other staff in Letters & Science departments and programs. College staff are available to answer questions or provide additional information. If you have a question about policy or need to request an exception, please email
College policies and procedures
Policies and procedures governing official entertainment are issued by the Office of the President. These policies are detailed in UC Business and Finance Bulletin 79 - Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions.
Click here for college-specific instructions and guidance pertaining to entertainment.
College policy is that individual memberships and/or journal subscriptions, regardless of their benefit to research groups and graduate and undergraduate students, must be purchased with contract/grant funds (if allowed), unrestricted funds, or personal funds. In those instances where membership in a scholarly society is being sought on behalf of the department as a whole, state funds may be used provided the anticipated benefits outweigh the membership cost.
All proposals for new course material fees or recharge services must be submitted to the appropriate dean for consideration before general campus review is initiated. If a dean’s review has not been completed, the chair of the Income and Recharge Committee will return the proposals to the originating department.
When considering new fees or updating existing fees, department personnel should consult income and recharge guidelines and procedures.
Departments with existing fees should continue to submit their annual rate proposals directly to the campus Budget Office (1317 Cheadle Hall). The Budget Office will initiate the review by the Income and Recharge Committee.
Chairs and Directors in the College of Letters and Science are delegated authority to approve the following for their department/program/unit. For your reference, here is the entire Delegation of Authority list (revised Feb. 2022)
- Domestic travel – within policy (all funds)
- Foreign travel – within policy (all funds)
- No authority to approve exceptions to policy
For further information, consult the UC and Campus Policy and Regulations Governing Travel. The department should establish practices to ensure equitable consideration for all faculty members.
Official Entertainment
- Routine entertainment for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and light refreshments within policy
- No authority to approve exceptions to policy (e.g. over per person maximum)
- No authority to provide Additional Approval (e.g. for alcohol or inclusion of spouse)
For further information, consult the UC policy and campus guidelines on Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions
University-sponsored memberships in organizations
- Up to $1,000 on research funds only
Honoraria Payments
- Amounts of $2,000 or less. Any honorarium request beyond $2,000 should be forwarded to divisional dean.
- Official honorarium policy is available here
Approval by the College of Letters and Science
- Since all transactions involving the unit head require the approval of the next higher authority, paperwork for travel and entertainment by chairs/directors must be sent to the college office for processing.
- Some transactions require Additional Approval of Next Higher Authority (e.g. alcohol, employee morale-building). These must also be routed to divisional dean.
- Please send all policy-related questions and requests for exceptions to policy to
Please consult these guidelines for space management within the College of Letters & Science.
For department chairs/business officers
The selection of department leadership is one of the most important personnel actions taken at universities. The College of Letters & Science is committed to supporting and recognizing the service provided by chairs and directors, who devote considerable time and energy to advancing their department. The department and the university benefit greatly when departments nurture leadership and involve faculty members in a variety of departmental activities that help develop administrative talent. Full guidelines here.
- UC Academic Personnel Manual (the "Blue Binder")
- UC Santa Barbara Academic Polices and Procedures (the "Red Binder")
- University of California Faculty Handbook
- Faculty Code of Conduct and University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline
- UC and UCSB Policies
- Employee and Labor Relations/Human Resources
- Business & Financial Services
Scheduled classes should comply with these guidelines.
Departments and programs must have bylaws to guide decision-making about personnel issues, leadership, and committee structure and membership. These bylaws describe the implementation of University of California Academic Senate Bylaw 55 (“Departmental Voting Rights”) and may also describe the relationship with other governing bodies such as the Academic Senate.
Other policies and procedures that may be included in departmental and program bylaws include:
- Membership of the unit
- Voting rights and procedures
- Administration of the unit
- Duties and responsibilities of members
- Meetings
- Election process
- Elected, appointed and ad hoc committees
- Procedure for amending bylaws
The department chair should notify the divisional dean of any proposed changes to departmental bylaws. A bylaw change that involves faculty voting procedures will require additional review by the Academic Senate Committee on Academic Personnel (CAP).
Changes, when approved by the dean (or dean and CAP), should be incorporated into the full bylaw text and forwarded to the divisional dean.
Questions about trainings? Ask Tiffany Sabado
- Business & Financial Services: Procurement
- Campus Onboarding Systems Access Checklist
- Connexxus Training March 2017: Overview of Travel Program & Airfare & Options
- Fund Accounting
- AP Training Materials
- Performance Management
- Staff Career Development Resources
- Staff Personnel Files
- The Color of Money: Fund Use
- Travel & Entertainment: Additional & Exceptional Approvals through the College
- Successfully Supervising Students
- UG Advisors: Working with Students Through Difficult Situations
- Staffing List Reconciliation Training May 2018: Reconciliation Training & Reconciliation Worksheet & Open Provision Sheet
- Audit and Advisory Services Workshop
- The Color of Money 2019: Scorecards & Composite Benefit Rates & Fund Grouping Guide
- Active Listening
- Reconciling the Payroll Ledger:
- Email in the Workplace
- Budget Overview and Tracking
- Faculty Removal Process
- Faculty Recruitments and Reimbursements:
- 2019 UCPath Refresher for Staff HR Transactions:
- 2022 UCSB Contracts, Purchasing & Disbursements
- 2023 Faculty Recruitment Reimbursement
- Video recording (download video if auto-play isn't working)
- Presentation